Blood and Qi workshop (pdf)
Bisbee Heart Medicine June 2017
April 23, 2017 – Ashland, Or. 5 Element and Qigong Workshops
Ashland April 2017 workshops (click for pdf)
April 29, 2017 – Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. 5 Element and Qigong Workshops
Friday Harbor April 2017 workshops (click for pdf)
Between Heaven and Earth, Bisbee March 2017
Spring Equinox Celebration 2015
San Juan Island
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IChing: A Pattern Language in
Yoga and Qigong
April 2, 2015 – Thursday 6:30pm at Lavendera, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
IChing, an ancient oracle based on 64 archetypes of nature, which is but a reflection of the nature withIN and withOUT of us. The flow of yin and yang as set within the trigrams can be orchestrated in healing movement, such as in Qigong and Yoga. Based upon the 12 meridians, but focusing on the Heart Meridian for this lecture, Dr. Gossen will give examples of the 5 Element understanding of the style of Qigong (MogaDao) and Yoga (Forrest) that she teaches.
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click on image to enlarge
January 31. 1, 2014 IChing Workshop at New Renaissance Bookstore, Portland, Oregon
Feb. 18, 2014 @ Mission Theatre, Portland, Oregon
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Save the Dates;
stay tuned for details…..
Durango, Colorado August 16 and 17, 2013
Taos, Ojo and Santa Fe to follow
October 13, 2012 at YogaDurango, Colorado
EASTER ISLAND – What Happened to the Trees? The last 7 years of my work on Easter Island and the fascinating mysteries i discovered. Saturday Sept 22, 6=8pm. All are Invited.
Saturday, OCTOBER 6, 2012 at The RailYard Performance Center, Santa Fe
To Register for the Railyard contact Candace at 971-222-5112/
Denver, Sept. 15, Saturday Noon-2pm
Breathe on Santa Fe
Begins with Native Am. ceremony honoring 4 directions,
Forrest Yoga Asana Practice and
Tibetan “letting go” ceremony
It will be great to see all you Denver people, please come just for the hugs!
Donation only!
Registering for the Healing Body Injuries, Squamish, BC workshop on 7/21/2012:
Please email Candace and let me know you are coming!
Then proceed to pay with paypal:
If you are registering in advance (before 7/20) please use this button for $5 off ($40CAD day of)
Squamish, BC 21 July, 2012
Whitby, UK 12 August, 2012
Register with Green Lane Centre
Whitby, UK 14 August 2012
Free Public Event
2011 Workshops