Photo timeline of changes at Mesa Verde National Park
Thousands of photos, here are 270+ photos and 2 movies to give you the idea of the power of life at Mesa Verde. Most come to the park to see the past, for the dwellings left behind, but the voices, the wind, the birds, flowers, trees and life that exists in the park is, dare I say just as phenomenal. Anyone that works within the NPS understands 1039 hours, as one season, one job, one shift, but it is composed of 8 hour days x 130 days, no more, often less. From Spring to Summer to Fall, almost a complete year. From budding flowers, inspiring certain insects and birds and trees to grow and change, moving sun positions enlighten the skies at sunrise and sunset. Colors, moving clouds, streaks of vapor, hail, snow, clouds rise and drop into the canyons. Everything is always moving, never a silent stillness. The fascination is how they all move together, the dance of nature.