“Unusual Suspects: Allies In The Park Are Closer Than They Appear” https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2917/ download from EarthArXiv DOI https://doi.org/10.31223/X5763S Summary One season, 1039 hours, as a Park Ranger at Mesa Verde National Park. Interps we are called, observing, telling stories, being stewards of the past, present and future of wildness. Wildness in the animal world is reserved…
Author: Blackcoy
Mailchimp Campaign for the Citizen Scientists participating in the Tabor Tree Project
Field Report No. 2 – Tabor Tree Project – November 2021 https://mailchi.mp/af277f6eabe8/field-report-no-2-tabor-tree-project-november-2021
Field Report No. 2 – Tabor Tree Project – Nov 2021
Arrived in Portland, First Training Session for the Tabor Tree Project begins tomorrow 10/28/21
See the Ronin Institute’s Recent BLOG post
Moon Tree will be new addition to Mt. Tabor
We are very excited to be planting this new tree adding to the diversity at Mt. Tabor, stay tuned for more photos when we start the new training October 28. 2021. https://americanheritagetrees.org/product/sycamore-moon-seedling/
Tabor Tree Project – Part Two begins October 28, 2021
Beginning in the Fall of 2020, we began the Citizen Science Project called the “Tabor Tree Project” in Portland, Oregon. An old growth forest nestled upon a dormant volcano in the SE of the city, this group of Citizen Scientists identified a diversity of species and ages of trees. Dr. Gossen wiill return with the…
Autumn is here 2021
Hello friends, it has been many months since my last post. Mesa Verde has been beautiful, intriguing, humbling, inspiring just to pick a few words to describe this time capsule. in the early 90s, while in grad school at Arizona State, I was introduced to this place as well as Black Mesa and the desert…
Health & Wellness Newsletter 2 – MVNP
Wolfberries, medicine for thousands of years to many cultures. Here at Mesa Verde National Park, they are found as well. Common to Far View Sites they are now in flower, and stand 3′ tall as woody shrubs. When the fruit blooms, it will be orange/red and can be eaten fresh or dried and eaten like…
The first Health & Wellness Tips for our MVNP crew and everyone else interested in Mesa Verde. This week May 23, we have had rain, cloudy skies, hail, and both cold and hot weather as we move toward the summer. The mesa ranges from 6,000-8,500′ elevation, and is mostly Windy, all the time. Wind is…
Tabor Tree List
Over the last 3 months, we have began to identify and upload tree data into the NASA GLOBE Observer App. Here are the old, the new, the diverse, and the ever loved trees of Mt. Tabor Park, Portland, Oregon